


Familienzentrum Innsbruck
Amberggasse 1
A-6020 Innsbruck (in Höttinger Au)

My treatment room is located in Familienzentrum Innsbruck. You can find more information in

The whole Familienzentrum is free of mobility restrictions.



There are 7 parking places in Familienzentrum free of charge during your visit. The parking places are behind the building. Turn after Café Namsa to the left and you will find parking area after  about 50 meters on the left hand side. It can be that they are occupied. In that case you can park along the street parking place.

Public transport, biking or walk

It is possible to reach Familienzentrum by public transport aswell. You can find exact information in Fahrplan der Innsbrucker Verkehrsbetriebe / Timetable of public transport in Innsbruck ( in English too.

It is also possible to take a bike ride or even walk along Inn river to Familienzentrum.  It takes around 30 minutes to walk from the city center to Familienzentrum.

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